Friday, November 27, 2009

Fun Pictures of Abbi

Here are just a few pictures of Abbi doing fun little things.

This is when we were playing in the leaves. Just her little face is poking out. I can't help but think she is the cutest baby ever!

Abbi is playing at Grandma Welch's house. Everything on the lower shelves had been taken out and spread all over the office. Such is life with a 9 month old!

Abbi loves taking baths. She'll play in the water until it starts getting cold, then mom says that she has to get out. Her hair can do this big curl down the middle of her head. When it dries it get quite puffy. It's fun to play with!

This is Abbi trying to get under the table, but chairs were blocking her path. Which won't stop her from trying. However, when her legs get caught in the chair, then cries for someone to come rescue her start. She got so stuck, she couldn't go forward, backward, or to any side. Funny the places they try to go.

Abbi likes to get into her books. Mainly to chew on the book edges, not really to sit down with mom and read them. WAY too much energy to do that at the moment.